234 Industrial Drive
Hendersonville, NC 28739
931 Herman Alford Memorial Hwy
Philadelphia, MS 39350
© 2025 KDS Windsor
Contact Us
Phone: 828-891-8115
Fax: 828-891-5451
On-Line near infrared moisture measurement with the pedigree of stability for process control & monitoring.
For wood fuel applications:
KDS Fuel Tracker M.C.® with 40 years of experience from the food and bulk materials processing industries now comes to the lumber manufacturing industry.
For years, generic instrumentation suppliers have offered moisture gauges which promise measurements at a low price. However, in practice, experience has not met expectation: these gauges need regular re-calibration, have poor measurement accuracy and instrument stability which limit their application where process control or even simple monitoring is important.
These same suppliers have said that for process monitoring gauge accuracy is not important. In reality, where measurement only is the chosen strategy, process adjustment decisions will be taken based upon the output of the gauge to manually adjust the process. Otherwise, why measure on-line at all. As such, reliable instrument performance is vital!
Now KDS Windsor offers a dependable, stable and accurate on-line measurement which allows processes to be tightly and consistently controlled manually or automatically with confidence in real time.
This system’s pedigree of solid long-term instrument stability, no effects from ambient condition changes and tolerance to process physical changes (such as pass height) are all offered in KDS Fuel Tracker M.C.® so that end users can see the benefits of on-line process gauging and achieve an enduring return on investment and contribution to their bottom line.